Confidentiality Notice

Confidentiality Notice

This private placement program operates in strict accordance with the legal exemptions outlined in the US Securities Act of 1933–34 and its associated regulations. These exemptions afford it immunity from specified regulations, facilitating the seamless execution of transactions related to leases, purchases, and sales of off-balance sheet bank instruments. Participation in these transactions is exclusive to accredited investors, seasoned traders, and authorized banks with the requisite licensing and authorization, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

The information disclosed herein is of a proprietary and privileged nature, intended strictly for your confidential use within the boundaries specified by relevant laws and regulations. Unauthorized dissemination or sharing of this privileged information is strictly prohibited, as it may constitute a breach of legal and ethical standards. We underscore the imperative to maintain the utmost confidentiality to preserve the integrity of this transaction and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

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